Copyright Infringement


Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses copyrighted material without permission, violating the rights of the copyright holder. This can involve unauthorized copying, distribution, performance, or display of a work. Copyright infringement undermines the creator's control over their intellectual property and can result in significant legal consequences.


Copyright infringement is the unauthorized use of copyrighted material in a way that violates the exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder. These rights include the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and create derivative works. Infringement can occur in various forms, from direct copying to more subtle forms like unauthorized adaptations or performances.


Determining copyright infringement involves several factors:


Access refers to the defendant's opportunity to view or obtain the copyrighted work. If the plaintiff can show that the defendant had access to the work, it supports the claim of infringement. Evidence of access might include public availability, shared environments, or any other means through which the defendant could have obtained the work.


Copying is the actual act of reproducing the copyrighted material. This can be proven through direct evidence, such as admissions or eyewitness accounts, or through circumstantial evidence, such as striking similarities between the original and the allegedly infringing work. Proof of copying is essential to establish infringement.

Substantial Similarity

Substantial similarity refers to the degree to which the allegedly infringing work resembles the original copyrighted material. Courts compare the two works to determine if the similarities are significant enough to constitute infringement. This involves both qualitative and quantitative assessment of the works' elements.


There are various types of copyright infringement, each involving different methods and motivations:


Plagiarism involves claiming someone else's work as your own. This can occur in academic settings, publishing, and other areas where originality is paramount. Plagiarism not only violates copyright but also ethical standards and can severely damage reputations.

Derivative Works

Creating derivative works involves altering or adapting a copyrighted work without permission. This includes translations, adaptations, and other modifications that are sufficiently original to be considered new works but still rely heavily on the original material.


Piracy refers to the unauthorized copying and distribution of copyrighted material, such as movies, music, software, and books. This often involves large-scale reproduction and distribution, significantly harming the market for the original work.

File Sharing and Torrent Websites

File sharing and torrent websites facilitate the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material. Users upload and download copyrighted content without permission, often leading to widespread infringement and significant financial losses for copyright holders.

Personal Use

Even personal use can sometimes constitute copyright infringement. Copying copyrighted material for personal use without permission can still violate the copyright holder's rights, although there are some exceptions and defenses, such as fair use.


Several key pieces of legislation govern copyright infringement and provide mechanisms for enforcement and penalties:

No Electronic Theft (NET) Act

The NET Act addresses non-commercial copyright infringement, allowing for criminal penalties even when the infringer does not profit financially. This act emphasizes the seriousness of copyright violations in the digital age.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

The DMCA strengthens copyright protection in the digital realm, including provisions for takedown notices, safe harbors for online service providers, and penalties for circumventing digital rights management (DRM) technologies.

Family Entertainment and Copyright Act

This act includes measures to combat copyright infringement related to family entertainment, such as unauthorized recordings in theaters (camcording) and the distribution of pirated copies. It aims to protect the market for family-friendly content.


Khoshnood Law provides expert legal services in copyright infringement cases. Our experienced attorneys help clients protect their creative works, enforce their rights, and navigate the complexities of copyright law. We offer comprehensive legal support, from initial consultations to courtroom representation, ensuring that our clients' intellectual property is safeguarded.


If you need legal assistance with a copyright issue, contact Khoshnood Law for a free consultation today. Our team is ready to help you address copyright infringement and protect your intellectual property rights.